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in reply to: Should I get a second opinion….. #11172
thanks for your response Dr. Corenman,
Even more, in the past 3 days since I posted my original comments the pain in my back has decreased to almost nothing and the pain in my outer lower leg has become constant and the pain feels the way it felt in the early days after my l5-s1 herniations. In addition, the top of my foot is now numb in the center of my foot.
I am trying to get in to see my spine doctor to see what he thinks.
Also, I really wanted you to know that I think what you are doing here is amazing, and there are no words that come close to being able to describe how grateful I am that you take time out of your life to help address questions from people like me.
To answer your questions.
1. The pain is now on the outside of my lower left leg, and now I am having sensations of cold and hot both in my lower left leg and also in the back of my left ankle (started last night and intermittent but I just felt it now as I was typing) and the sensations of heat in my ankle is becoming very strong (comparable to when you have a laptop which has been on for a few hours touching your skin; it is pretty hot but not so bad you scream).
Also, I saw the pain doctor today and asked her what the EMG showed (h-reflext latency…. chronic nerve problems with s1 nerve). I don’t have the exact language but hopefully that is enough.
2. The pain started approximately a week after I stopped all narcotics.
In addition, when I saw the dr. this morning she has started me on the extended release drug for gabapentin (I believe called gralise) so we will see how it goes.
I just want to know the probability of this type of result (h-reflex showing chronic s1 damage) will heal itself or if I am more likely to be dealing with this for my entire life. I know every case is different, but I am looking for more likely than not based on the literature and person experiences.
IS that enough to determine likelihood? If not I can provide more detail, because seems like my drs don’t want to speculate (which I understand) but I need to know the chances for my own sanity.
Thanks so much for any input you could provide.
After my 3 month X-ray my surgeon indicated he did not see much fusion yet, but he indicated it can take up to 6 months to really see the bones fusing. Does that sound right to you?
Also, after my follow-up MRI to check for my pain they did not find any herniation of l4-l5 but apparently they say cervical spondolylosis. Right now, since I did not herniate l4-l5 we are going to do an EMG next week to test my nerves; but if there is no herniation at l4-l5 I am worried something wrong with the nerves because what I am feeling is nerve pain.
They have started me on gabapentin which makes me happy, because narcotics are not what I need I need something specific to nerve pain.
Is it unusual for them to report cervical spondylosis from an MRI of lumbar spine?
in reply to: 3 month post-op l5s1 fusion; pain lower leg… #9292I was able to get the surgeon to look at the MRI and these are the findings they gave to me based on his looking (without the final report from the radiologist):
1. The L5-S1 operative level looks OK, no obvious nerve impingement.
2. The next two levels up, L3-4 and L4-5, look the same as before surgery.
Some disc bulging, but no disc herniation, and certainly no NEW nerve compression.3. So I think this is some nerve inflammation, nothing that would require any further surgery.
Most people would not say this, but I was hoping for herniation because now I am worried about permanent nerve damage. I have probably spent a combined total of a year (if take all time periods from herniation through surgery) dealing with this type of pain/sensation on a continual basis over the past 4 years. Even my physical therapist and I were discussing and based on what hurts vs. does not hurt for different movements it sounds like nerve pain.
Could the continued (and worsening) pain be a sign of permanent nerve damage?
If so, is it even possible that if I had problems at l5-s1 I would be exhibiting pain in areas more commonly associated with l4-l5?
Is there anything you would recommend in terms of tests or literature?
I am at a loss for words and in fear of becoming one of those people with chronic pain issues. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
in reply to: 3 month post-op l5s1 fusion; pain lower leg… #9290The PLIF at L5-S1 was from a 3rd herniation of that disc (I previously had 2 microdisectomies at the same level; first in 2008 and the second in 2012).
I had the fusion due to pain in the back of my upper left thigh, but really never had back pain.
Now i have pain in my lower left leg (outside) and increased numbness in my foot across more of my foot (with other herniations numbness in foot limited to left 2 toes, now numbness all way to big toe). Also, I now have more pain in my back, but it is hard to know if the pain is from healing of the fusion or this new problem.
I know I can not reherniate after the fusion which is why I suspect herniaton of the l4-l5, especially since it is the same type of pain and very localized.
I saw my surgeon the other day and he ordered an MRI which I got this morning. I guess we will see.