Post count: 34

Dr. Corenman:

Sorry! My last post was very confusing!! I had misread something that you had made quite clear earlier. I realize that the jelly is not going back in the donut :)

A question that has been bothering me. I assume any scar tissue is not as strong as the original annulus. However, is there not less pressure exerted by the nucleus pulposis once it has lost volume?

More: In the medium term, can a detached fragment of the nucleus pulposis move about and cause trouble? Are these lesions considered more or less “stable” after some period of time? If so, how long generally speaking? Is the decrease in space between the ninth and tenth vertebrae likely to be a problem going forward? I realize there are no hard fast answers!

Another concern. This is my first disc herniation. Should I be especially concerned about getting disc herniations in the anatomically more vulnerable segments of the spine? Can one just write something like this off as a “fluke”?

Do you think there is enough force here to herniate a thoracic disc http://www.sinheeflowyoga.com/photo%20gallery/images/SIDE%20CROW.jpg ? I have a sneaking suspicion that this is how I did it. I felt something sort of “funny” but not pain. After some days or weeks, the pain became intolerable. All a bit insidious.

Thank you so much for addressing my questions. While it confirms much of what I have found in my research, it is very helpful to hear it here!

This is a great site! I love the motto! I had figured the best way to avoid spine surgery was to avoid spine surgeons. I am reconsidering :) I am going to order the book.
