Post count: 2

Thank-you Dr. Corenman. I’ll try and make arrangements for you to view my films. Yes I have had hip xrays with no apparent findings of anything wrong.

Ironically, the hospital called me yesterday and they have fitted me in for a foraminal injection today. It had been ordered by my family doctor last month.

I’ll take note of whether I get any immediate relief from the injection. The radiologist doing the injection will be be able to see from the 2008 film, where the previous injection was done. Maybe a slightly different location will be tried this time.

It might be too late for you to respond, but what steroid and/or anesthetic do you recommend and what is the appropriate dosage?

I live in a small community and I met the orthopedic surgeon at the schoolyard last night while waiting to pick up our children. When I told him that I would be having an injection today, he was surprised that it has so long ago ( 5 yrs ) from the last injection. He is adamant that my problem is due to scar tissue and that a foraminotomy would likely only cause further scarring and damage.