Post count: 4

Thank you for your reply.
This is the full report. I have been on 40 mg of Nortriptylene for nerve pain, which helped relieve approx 85% of the pain. However, in the last few days/week I am back to square 1 with pain in L Arm/Shoulder.

Sagittal T2; sagittal T1; axial medic; axial T2 space.
The cervical vertebral bodies are normal in height. The posterior alignment is maintained. The
intervertebral disc spacing is normal. There is abnormal developmental safe posterior elements of
the C2 vertebral body with deformity of the lamina of C2 which extends through medially into the
central spinal canal. There is mild impression on the posterolateral aspect of the cervical cord on
the left. This creates a mild left sided stenosis of the spinal canal. There is no T2 signal abnormality
within the cord to suggest myelopathic changes. The significance of this finding is uncertain. There
are no right-sided findings to account for the bilateral symptoms.
Cervical cord is otherwise normal in size and shape. There is no T2 signal abnormality within the
Abnormal posterior elements of C2 with mild impression on the posterior left aspect of the cord by
the lamina. No evidence of myelopathy.