Thank you, seemed somewhat manageable over the years, I had previously had chiropractic adjustments a few years back for spurs in neck and did get an adjustment late last year. I had bought tens and even got a cervical collar to wear at times. (not at work). I work at correcting my head position due to tilting upward and out abit to bring it back to some alignment. I sleep with a heating wrap for shoulders neck and arms and legs propped up. I wanted to step down latter part of the year and was asked to hang in there and some changes would be made at work for me, made it thru, no help but at a cost. Employees kept telling me I could’nt keep doing what I was doing. always fast paced. Last time I had to leave I hurt so bad and bent over that one of the ladies called home to let my son know I was not doing well. Got in the door and literally got sick on top the pain. 2nd worst flair up stayed in bed and went back to Dr. 3 days later. From 1st go around knew I would have to get thru it anyway. They are kind enough to hold my position open, appears no one wants it. I am thankful to you for taking the time. I had left out the on/off pelvic pain, crease of legs and the inner thigh pain, he did say that was from my back. I can not lift, push and shove no more, I pay for it when I do. looking up, bending down and laying back always thankful not having the full blown vertigo. I expected to go back to work and now in process of possibly getting disability. My family Dr. had already said that a while back. Would a back brace help? I did wear one for 6 months years ago after surgery. Personally I feel a neck brace from shoulders up would be beneficial. Thank you so much and wish you continued success. we need more Dr’s like yourself, I have visited your site many times, but never reached out. I appreciate you very much. Take care.
Reply To: Chronic pain for months and neck spasms w/back pain numbness etc.