1.there Pressure on the cervical spine can cause mayomalcia in thoracic spine but not in cervical region
This possible?
“A further discussion can dissect this into minutia
“(i can suppose why you negative surgery (even if this posterior pressure causes the symptoms and progress in stage of time)
1.risk of LAMINECTOMY (how much this operation safety in 2022with, good. after this operation (how much time the pain in the mussels will stay after operation (i hear this causes severe neck pain , discomfort)but someone surgeon (on YouTube this not continued after years)
One surgeon tell me because this 2 level laminectomy (he says not needed big incision ,he say
“Do it and move”it is not big deal to heal (3-4 weeks).
3 . what the losses 2 ligament flavum causes to instability in future (so laminectomy with out any fusion causes instability)
*I shared with you link to new MRI OF CERVICAL SPINE (to salvina ) see him
Please and explain why you don’t recommend surgery for this problem?
If it does causes the symptoms .(pinched the cord and causes to losses some of cells in the cord )
Thanks meni