joimax_logoDr. Donald Corenman has been listed among the top 100 of the Best Spine Surgeons and Specialists in America. This list is sponsored by Joimax®, an innovative medical technology company dedicated to combining surgical technologies particularly to minimally-invasive spinal procedures. Joimax focuses on development, manufacturing and marketing of the technology and methods for integrated endoscopic surgical access to the spinal column, with optimized visualization. joimax considers itself a partner of operating physicians, living the motto “helping to treat patients!”.

Physicians included in this list have been selected based on surveys, research and nominations. All physicians who are placed on the list undergo a substantial review with other peers and through Joimax research.

To review the full list, see 100 of the Best Spine Surgeons and Specialists in America. (Editor’s note: Specialists are listed in alphabetical order by last name).