spineuniverseDonald Corenman, MD published a case study on SpineUniverse titled, Cervical Symptoms Recur After Artificial Disc Replacement. As only a handful of spine surgeons that has experience in chiropractics, Dr. Corenman has extensive knowledge on injuries and treatments related to the neck and back.

The case study focused on a 48-year-old male who underwent artificial disc replacement (ADR) at C6-C7 for foraminal stenosis in 2012 by another surgeon. The level of pain was initially reduced by 50% for 18 months after his surgery until his pain started to reoccur.

In search of a solution, Dr. Corenman’s examined the patient and concluded that the ADR subsidence caused mechanical failure and foraminal stenosis at C6-C7. After prescribing 6 months of physical therapy and epidural injections the patient did not see improvements in his pain, surgical treatment was the next step.

Dr. Corenman removed the artificial disc and an anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) with iliac crest bone graft to reconstruct the C6-C7 level. The anterior plate had to be placed somewhat skewed, as the original C7 crew holes were caviated due to artificial disc subsidence. The patient saw positive results and at his 6-month follow-up he continued to do well.

To read the full case study, please click here.