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  • Steve0730
    Post count: 1


    Thank you for providing this forum. I think it’s amazing that you take the time to help people in need out of compassion.

    I’m a 36 year old male with no underlying health conditions such as EDS or Down syndrome. About two years ago my symptoms started possibly due to heavy weight lifting and a lifetime of bad posture (rounded shoulders, forward head, posterior pelvic tilt). There are two moments that come to mind before my issues started which once I felt like my c-7 area moved when I was barbell squatting and once I had a jolt go up my neck behind my ear barbell shoulder pressing. My symptoms started with panic attacks and body feeling extremely stressed (two weeks after feeling the jolt go up my neck) with a racing heart rate at rest which I went to the ER but they found no issues. A month or two later I had to go to the ER because I was unable to urinate but again they found no issues. I was fine a couple days later. These were both one time events two years ago.

    My symptoms are lightheadedness, pain in the eyes and neck, high anxiety and trouble focusing. I have myofascial pain syndrome all across my upper torso. My head is also slightly tilted to the left with some dextroscolisious on my thoracic spine. Symptoms improve laying down but get worse the longer I hold my head.

    Here are my test results:

    MRA of Brain:
    No issues

    MRI cervical spine:
    Cervical spondylosis resulting in multilevel left-sided foraminal stenosis, including mild/moderate stenosis at the C6-7 level. No significant central canal stenosis or cord signal abnormalities.

    MRI brain:
    No issues

    X-RAY of thoracic spine:
    Mild dextroscoliosis of the thoracic spine.. No significant spondylosis, fracture, or visible bony lesion.

    X-ray flex and extension cervical:
    Mild to moderate degenerative disc disease most pronounced at C6-7.

    MRI Spine Lumbar:
    L5-S1 left posterior paracentral disc protrusion which contacts the descending left S1 nerve root without mass effect. 2. Mild degenerative disc disease at L4-5 without central canal stenosis or nerve root impingement

    No acute intracranial abnormality.
    2. No high-grade stenosis, occlusion, aneurysm, or dissection is identified within the major intracranial or cervical arterial vasculature.

    Normal CTA of the carotids.

    Upright Cervical Spine MRI:
    Abnormal Clivoaxil (142.7 in neutral and 141.2 in flexion) and Grabb-Oakes (6.5 in neutral and 6.8 in flexion). Straightening of cervical lordosis.

    Cervical DMX:
    PRESSION for patient Steven Schoiber:
    • Damage to the anterior longitudinal ligament is indicated by a retrolisthesis at C2 on C3 (2.53mm) and C3 on
    C4 (3.04mm).
    • Damage to the capsular ligament is indicated by gapping of the facet joint at C5-C6 bilaterally.
    • Damage to the capsular ligament is indicated by intervertebral foraminal encroachment of the facet joint at
    C3-C4 on the right.
    • Damage to the alar and accessory ligaments is indicated by an overhang of the lateral mass of C1 to the left
    (7.34mm). Also change in the para-odontoid space during bilateral lateral bending.

    I’m currently working with a myofascial therapist on trigger points which are improving but still chronic as well as posture correction. The chiropractic office who did the DMX study say I have severe instability specially at c1-c2 and suggested chiropractic adjustments, PT and neck brace. I’m hesitant to do this because I tried a different chiropractor in the past who said my issue was atlantoaxial related and did adjustments which made my symptoms worse and the adjustments would never hold. They did not do anything though as far as a neck brace or PT.

    Recently my therapist wanted me to do chin tucks and SCM stretches which made my symptoms dramatically worse. I have severe pain and feels like strain (heart palpitations when touched) in the back right side of my neck all the way up to my c-1. Feels like my splenius capitis is stuck in contraction and so tight that touching it causing my ear to vibrate. Eye pain increased even when laying down, extreme dizziness, heart palpitations and panic attacks. Before those exercises, my symptoms were stable outside of the lightheadedness and myofascial pain. I’m also getting more crunching noises around my c-7 area.

    Looking back, I feel like I possibly injured either my right levator scapula (I also have scapula winging on this side), upper trap, SCM and splenius capitis when I felt that jolt which possibly caused my head to tilt left and body tilt right causing myofascial pain syndrome over the last two years but now I’m concerned that this led the ligament laxity so I’m not sure if muscle rehab can correct my issue. I read that more than 3mm and mine is close to 7mm requires c1-c2 fusion but I’m not sure if that is the case for lateral dysfunction. I also believe my eye pain and lightheadeness are trigger point related.

    1) do you think atlantoaxial instability is the root cause of my issues or is it possible that I just need to rehab my neck muscles and that misalignment will correct itself?

    2) is there anything here you see that I should seek immediate help. I’ve read that atlantoaxial instability can be life threatening and now my symptoms are very similar to how this started after doing the chin tucks and/or SCM stretch.

    Thank you again for your time and sorry for so much info but I wanted to be thorough.

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