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  • robin555
    Post count: 12

    Hello Doctor
    My doctor scheduled a thoracic spine mri with contrast for my thoracic spine. Now I just found out that the radiologist has ordered one with no contrast. My question is can a radiologist do that? If so, does contrast really make a difference? Should I push my doctor for a contrast one? I have no knowledge regarding contrast so that’s why I am asking. I am experiencing thoracic spine pain along with spasms, burning sensations, and a lot of cracking and popping of ribs. I had a previous mri done without contrast which failed to show anything significant except some disc space narrowing which might be causing a few of my symptoms (would like your opinion on this as well). I definitely also do think that I have rib and joint issues in my thoracic back which the mri is just not picking up. My ribs crack a lot and feel misaligned. So, I was wondering if I should push for a mri with contrast. Please advice. Also, doctor I am experiencing abdominal pain and other stomach issues which I think is referring from my thoracic spine. Is this possible? I have never had these issues in my life, only after the thoracic injury have these symptoms showed up. Please, let me know your opinion on this as well. Thank You.

    Post count: 10

    Hi, I am a medical doctor from Europe. I also have symptoms that you have. I had stress fractures in my costovertebral joints and a rib subluxation. Whenever did your symptoms started, any injury before that? Mine was a ballet injury. On witch segment do you have pain? My is thoracolumbar junction. Sometimes radiologist only look for herniated disc, they don’t even look the joints. This small joints are responsible for 40% of chronic back pain – in T spine there are costovertebral, costotransversal and facet joints, and they have this nerve endings that can really Hurt, due to arthritic changes or injury. You should do MRI with axial slices not only sagittal, best sequnces are T2 and STIR to see i there are any arthritic changes or inflamation. I am a resident of sports medicine and rheumatology.

    Post count: 10

    As far as I now contrast in spine is used to make a distinction between inflamattion and a tumor. I did MRI without contrast, but I told radiologist to look at my small joints and to do more of that axial slices

    Post count: 12

    Thanks for all the info. I really appreciate it. Will tell the radiologist to look at my small joints in axial views. Not completely certain as to how this happened but I might have a clue. I used to bench press a lot so I think this caused a lot of pressure on my ribs and messed up my joints. I have been suffering from this for a year and a half now. I can’t really pin point my pain generators but I think one is around t2-t3 and the other is somewhere between t5-t8. The lower end of the t-spine might be a problem too. Just not sure on these as the pain is wide spread and mainly on the left side. Are you having abdominal issues as well? Also, have you been able to find some relief? Thanks for the advice. Let me know if you want to discuss more or you can e-mail me. I really do think that I have joint dysfunction but its so hard to explain it to the doctors since they believe that ribs are sturdy. It also doesn’t help that the previous mri didn’t pick up anything or like you said they didn’t focus on my small joints. Another thing I have noticed is that my spinous process is sore. Do you have that? Thanks.

    Post count: 10

    How old are you? I am 29,and have this problem for a year. I have pain on the right side only. My spinous process is not sore, but near it on the right is really sore. First 6 months I had abdominal pain, feeling like I have ruptured my muscle, but then went to osteopat and it helpped. Now I only have t spine and rib pain. Do you take pain medication. For me naproxen works a bit. Nobody believed me that I have small joints issue and rib subluxation, because ribs can’t subluxate. But my CT scan showed it. Everyone told me not to do it because of radition but I knew it will show rib problem. If your MRI would show nothing than consider CT scan because it is better for the bones and joints, MRI is better for neural structures. I have found a good neurosurgeon, private clinic who has experience With t spine. He gave me prp injections in my joints, regenerative method and it helpped but now after 3 months the pain is back. I will do second MRI and then He will give me intercostal nerve blocks and maybe another prp. Your abdominal pain is from lower t spine. But is it like musce pain or you have like intestinal problems or something like that?

    Post count: 10

    One more thing. Did you go to reumathologist olso? Do you have morning stiffnes? Did you do rheuma test and gene tests to see If you have HLA B 27 a gene that goes With spondyloarthritis. Because SpA is associsted With abdominal issue. Every back pain that lasts longer than 3 months in young people and With morning stiffnes spondyloarthritis should be ruled out.

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