“Normally, both a CT scan on a 64 slice scanner and an MRI on at least a 1.5 tesla machine are necessary for the workup. In-office standing x-rays with flexion and extension view are necessary.”
So I am working on insurance at the moment, without much success. I do not want a provider network to determine my surgeon, however may not have a choice. I sill value seeing you and hearing your diagnosis regardless of coverage or not. Such visit may be financially manageable, however the radiology would not. How would you advise going about this… Would I be able to get the necessary x-rays done in-network locally (my physician will refer if need be) and then take them to you to evaluate? If so, will the techs and doctors have enough information with what you provided above? I was unaware that I could get MRI’s with the existing titanium and cage I have.