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  • Jellyhall
    Post count: 91

    I’m sorry Dr Corenman, that wasn’t very clear.

    The neurosurgeon that I have seen recently about cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine problems I’m having now, is the surgeon who did my ACDF of C3/4 and C4/5 in 2012, and made very sure that the incision wouldn’t open up by using many steri strips.

    He knew about how my lumbar spinal fusion for spondylolisthesis (2010 – a different surgeon) had the incision open up during the first few days after surgery.

    I am now having problems again in the lumbar spine from the two discs above the fusion.
    Also I have several thoracic disc herniations, three in a line which are pressing on the thecal sac and indenting the cord proper, but only slightly.
    My neck is not good, but no need for attention at the moment.

    Thank you for your patience

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