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  • axia002
    Post count: 1

    (Reposting because don’t think original post went to the right area of Back Pain)

    DR. Corenman,

    First of all, thank you for your time and the invaluable service and information you provide to us suffering with back pain.

    I am 35 and had a L5/S1 microdiscectomy on July 14.

    – Days 1-12 post op have been a slow and gradual recovery.

    Day 8 I felt ready to go out dancing- and did so carefully, with no bend/lift/twist.

    Day 10 was my first post up visit. Nothing to report because I was feeling better at the visit, particularly after Day 8.

    Day 12, yesterday I Noticed a slight pinching pain in low back, but it may have been from sitting too much yesterday. I also walked more (about a mile?) downtown, but it wasn’t smooth steady walking.

    This morning, Day 13, I noticed a sharp, stabbing pain behind my left knee. It felt like sciatica symptoms from before. So I called out of work today called the DR. The nurse called back and said all this is normal, don’t stay off it, walking is good for recovery.

    SO, I walked for a mile, and felt better. I HOPE THAT MEANS I DID NOT RE-HERNIATE, but it’s probably to early to tell either way. My questions:

    1) Does it sound like I may have re-herniated? Or am I being overly panicked?

    2) Is it good to keep my walking shoes on ALL DAY, even at home, that means, I won’t be able to lie down, and sitting at home, is more limited when I have my walking shoes on.

    Phew this sure is an up and down roller coaster ride. Right now I will do whatever I have to do stay out of another surgery.

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