Tagged: CFS leak, coral graft, PAIN, pseudo-arthrosis
My history: 19 years ago October 2016: C5-6 & C6-7 fusion… with a graft material that was neither approved by FDA nor Health Canada (coral) and it failed. 10 days later they re-did the surgery by removing the grafts (“millions of pieces, particle by particle with a tweezer and hard to see because of all the blood vessels”, my neuro-surgeon’s words to me) and used my own hip bone for the second operation. No plates or pins or devices were implanted in either surgery. Over time, I have had pain in the neck but never enough to really ask for further majorintervention and only rarely do I get radiculopathy. Had a few MRIs over the course of 19 years. Each one shows progressive cervical degeneration (moderate to severe). FAST FORWARD to April 2016, the pain in my neck and terrible stiffness would not go away. It slowly got worse over time, chronic. July 2016 started to take tylenol, ibuprofen, aleve,… they worked for a short period of time. Some radiculopathy into fingers but only a day here or there. Some pain in left cheek and temple (thought it might be a second issue, like teeth, but endodontist pretty much ruled that out.) October 2016: Finally, asked family physician for prescription meds… have been on moderate to high dose of Lyrica which helps a lot, but I am a bit dozy. OF NOTE, my family doctor got a simple xray done in Oct 2016, the report notes ONE FUSION at C5-6 !! This led me to investigate previous MRI reports and the last one says that “apparently there were two fusions reported but this MR Scan only shows one at C5-6”. SO THEN, I found two CDs in my drawer of former MRIs I had, one in 2008 and one in 2014. I looked at them and with my layperson eyes, indeed see only one fusion in both MRI scans. I AM GUESSING THAT THE HIP BONE GRAFT AT C6-7 FAILED BEFORE 2008 OR THE SURGEONS DECIDED TO ONLY REPLACE THE ONE AT C5-6 AND THE CORAL DETERIORATED OR FAILED OVER TIME, MAKING IT LOOK LIKE THERE IS A DISC THERE. (or the C6-7 hip bone graft failed at some point) WHAT MY LAYPERSON EYES SEE IS A POSSIBLE DISC THAT LOOKS DEGENERATED OR SIMPLY A BUNCH OF OSTEOPHYTES, IN SOME VIEWS IT LOOKS LIKE A REGULAR DISC, MABYE A BIT WORN… IN ANY CASE, I SOON LEARNED THE WORD PSEUDO-ARTHROSIS. I should add that there was a 2 year waiting list for the neurosurgeon I wanted to see (one of the surgeons who did or assisted at my second surgery) and the one available much earlier is a Parkinson’s expert. I have a March 2017 appointment with my (very, very good) neurologist whom I have seen for other (related?) visual vertigo (or sometimes called visual-vestibular mismatch) a couple of years ago, which has almost resolved, and so I got my driver’s permitback. Even my neurologist in March 2017, Im guessing, won’t be able to get me to see an expert neuro-surgeon, I am guessing, very soon because my neck issue won’t be seen as “urgent, urgent” and the Lyrica is kinda dealing with my symptoms.. My questions are: Is there anything serious going on that would require me to have urgent care? Is it okay to be on Lyrica the rest of my life? I have one last question … I used to think (3 years ago?) that I had a CFS leak as I could “feel” and “hear” some drainage going on in my neck but I came to believe it may just have been throat related, and it is gone. What does a patient with a CFS leak in the neck report? Any other thoughts? I am 59 years of age.
I am a little confused. You refer to “19 years ago” and then reference a surgery date (October 2016) that was one month ago. I’ll assume that surgery was long enough ago to discover the failure of the coral graft and have a subsequent revision of the failed ACDF with you hip graft-even if there was no plate applied. I am surprised that coral was used as the graft material for the first surgery as this material has no ability to tolerate load and will fragment “into a 1000 pieces”. The appropriate response to this failure is a revision with your own bone which you did have performed.
Without the use of a plate, the chance of a solid fusion drops and the more common level that does not go on fuse is typically the lowest fusion level (in your case C6-7). The C6-7 level will look very degenerative with a long-time pseudoarthrosis (disc narrowing and bone spurs). You will not have a persistent CSF leak in your neck. If you did have one from either of the two surgeries, you would have a pseudomeningeocele which is a small self-contained pocket of CSF. I my entire career, I have seen only two CSF leaks from cervical surgeries (out of about 6000).
Your problem is not an emergency so if you showed up at an ER, they would not put you in the from of the line. You probably need a revision of the C6-7 level.
Dr. Corenman
Donald Corenman, MD, DC is a highly-regarded spine surgeon, considered an expert in the area of neck and back pain. Trained as both a Medical Doctor and Doctor of Chiropractic, Dr. Corenman earned academic appointments as Clinical Assistant Professor and Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, and his research on spine surgery and rehabilitation has resulted in the publication of multiple peer-reviewed articles and two books. -
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