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  • JJSS
    Post count: 9

    Hi– I contacted you last yr about my situation and hope you won’t mind answering a few other questions. To review: In Sept 2013, I was hit with an Activator down my cervical spine and then twisted right and left. I had nerve sensation down my neck/flushing/then tingling and burning in neck, skull, and chest for months. 2 mos into this I started with cracking etc. I have DDD, moderate central canal and foramen stenosis, facet arthrits in the lower discs.

    I crick, crack, crunch, snap, pop all day long.
    Sometimes my neck gets tight then cracks. I get hard cracks/hits in my discs I hear and feel. I crack walking, rubbing my neck, rolling over or just turning my head in bed – there is always a crack to follow. It can wake me up then I go into a sweat. Sometimes I am not even moving and hear grissly, crackling. There are different kinds of cracks: at times I hear a bone kind of sound. My whole neck is involved

    Question: Can all this cause instability or cause more degeneration/damage? I was told my neck is tight and movement will make my bone spurs worse. Isn’t there anything that can be done to lessen this?

    I also can feel on the right side of two vetebraes something move from side to side under my finger like it gives under the pressure then hear it clunk or some such noise. I think this moves at times especially when I am lying down. It feels like a tug or give way feeling.
    Can this be ligaments or tendons moving? If so, why?

    Can the crackling I feel in the base of my skull be from upper discs or something else?

    Can the Flexion-Distraction table make a slip spondy at L3-L4 slip farther? I had 13 adjustments. At present, I spam for days with my spondy and then it eases off. I know one of my vetebrae is almost touching the one below at the back. Who knows where my neck degeneration is at now?

    I did develop when I wake up muscles contracting/jerking. I don’t know if this is neck related. I have had my neck jerk rt to left then my neck will crack.

    Is it pretty much a done deal once you have moderate stenosis that it will become severe and you will need surgery one day?

    Can you ever degenerate to the point nothing can be done?

    My husband was just re-ended and pushed into the car in front. I had been in the car with him 30 min earlier. I would not even want to think what could happen when your joints are in this shape and in a rear end collision.

    I know you said these noises are maddening and they are especially when so extreme and all day long. It has affected my health in so many ways. Thanks for your patience. I just need some reassurance and try to not let it bother me but when a hard crack hits it is like being slapped- makes me jump and scares me. Thanks again

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