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  • Crissyped
    Post count: 1


    I am writing about my spine problems.
    After one month of intermitent radicular upper back pain, abdominal & lumbar pain (all ongoing) and left axilary and arm pain (both dissapeared after 2 weeks), I visited a neurologist who told me that there were no neurological symptoms so I had cervical and lumbar Xrays. The only anomalities found were the reduction of cervical lordosis and reduced spaced between C5 and C6. In the meantime I was prescribed physical therapy that it is suppose to start a week from now, but the doctor who prescribed it was not aware of the thoracic disc hernia that I dicovered after.

    Yesterday I had a thoracic MRI scan on my own account which revealed a right paramedian 5/3 mm disc herniation at the T7-8 level with light compression of the spinal cord. I still have intermitent (I think dependant on position and movement, I feel better when lying on my back) upper back pain, neck area, andominal pain, chest pressure and lumbar pain. I have not been through a trauma or anything of the kind. Anyway, what do you think I should do? Does my thoracic herniation justify these intermitent pains?

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