I have a friend I am trying to help, she has degenerative disc disease and ongoing pain problems, she has been to several diffrent back pain specialist, the problem we are having is that we have images from a disc from a recent mri, however one back doctor said nothing about a peculiar white thing that shows up on the spine, and another stated that it looks like cancer, spinal cancer…however he stated that he could do nothing about this that a regular M.D. would have to research this?? I have the images on database in my computer, Dr. Corenman if you or somebody else could just take a look at these images and let us know a definite answer? She is very scared and worried, she has pain in both legs all the time, even when sitting. We do live in a very rural area and need help with somebody to just take a look at the images. Thanks so much for anybodys input on this.