Dr. Corenman:
I wanted to ask if there have been any advances in the treatment of Arachnoiditis. I ask this because both the spinal stimulation as well as the narcotic intake do not even approach 50% relief.
There have been countless attempts at new programming, as well as modification of existing one’s as well.
I do not fare much better with the narcotics either, as well as growing tired of the added affects of long term usage. Both bowel and bladder are a problem too.
I acquired this condition from a failed surgery to excise a DAVF of the Fillum Terminale. A leak of my dura existed after surgery, and a blood patch was attempted 5 weeks post procedure, which was botched.
Needless to say I incurred another surgery to repair the huge leak, and did a stint in ICU for 30 days.
I’m now post 28 months from the failed back surgery, and not a happy camper.
Thanks in advance,