I am post op L5 S1 herniation with Microdisectomy, 6 weeks later L4 herniation 2 days after L5 surgery I began to have right back pain right foot pain buttocks and burning and the left leg never got better after this L5 surgery still numb, burning etc… I also had a discogram during the L5 surgery, and also had an L4 moderate disk Bulge, is it possible maybe that the disco-gram putting that needle and injecting the dye in the L4 because the Doctor checked both disks, during surgery. with the pressure of the dye in the disk could have caused the disk to push out, I had this MRI last week because of the pain on the right side which the ER doctors said was Lg amount of Inflammation on right side, since my left side of leg foot saddle pelvic is numb and pain still shoots down, I would not know the difference if it got better or not because of the new herniation now it is pressing on the L5 nerve, is it possible the pressure of this dye in an already bulging disk could cause it to blow I just cant figure how it just went 6 weeks after surgery, I walk with a limp now it has not changed I see no improvement in left leg but now right leg is acting up. surgeon says after looking at new Mri it is not herniated it is only fluid, went for another MRI at ER they say it is herniated 2 Radiologists say it is and I will need surgery who do you believe.
Your reported history is unclear. From my understanding, your initial test was a discogram of L4-5 and L5-S1 or was it a discogram during the L5-S1 microdiscectomy? A discogram requires the patient to be awake during the test so the second possibility does not make sense
You report that the leg pain did not improve after the surgery. You do not make clear but I assume you had a left sided surgery. Do I understand that you now have right sided leg pain after the surgery as well as continued left sided pain and that this right sided pain is new?
You then had a new MRI which demonstrated right sided inflammation in the canal at L4-5. If this is true, a discogram will not cause inflammation in the canal. This could either be from a prior surgical approach or even possibly an infection.
Where is the new herniation you note? Is it at the previously operated level at left L5-S1 or is it at the L4-5 level?
After surgery, it is not uncommon to have a “fluid” buildup as surgery causes temporary fluids to form (hematoma, seroma) but a recurrent disc herniation is one of the possibilities if you did not gain initial relief from surgery.
What does your surgeon say about your new onset right leg pain and why there is inflammation in the canal at a level (L4-5 right) that was not reported to have prior surgery?
Dr. Corenman
Donald Corenman, MD, DC is a highly-regarded spine surgeon, considered an expert in the area of neck and back pain. Trained as both a Medical Doctor and Doctor of Chiropractic, Dr. Corenman earned academic appointments as Clinical Assistant Professor and Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, and his research on spine surgery and rehabilitation has resulted in the publication of multiple peer-reviewed articles and two books.Ok I had microdisectomy at left L5 s1 on July 20th for Herniation, while the surgeon was in my back he did the discogram checking level l4 and L5 s1, 2 days later I had severe low back pain on the right I still had the pain on the left side with no change to leg and numbness on the left, the right side pain got so bad with toes tingling buttocks burning I could not walk hardly, I called the surgeon he said on phone it was just inflammation and referred pain I did not get better, so I went to pain management he ordered MRI it showed a left L4 herniation it was sent to surgeon he said it was fluid he said he did not see a herniation, so I said I would call radiologist and ask him to look again he said it is a herniation, so I got worse and went to ER just the other day and there diagnosis was Degenerative disc and joint disease of lumbar spine involving L4-L5 with prominent left subarticular zone protrusion containing and enhancing annular tear which abuts the traversing left L5 nerve root correlate for left L5 Raduculopathy. The ER doctor told me there was a lot of inflammation on the right side of disc and told me to take motrin I still have pain on the right side and left leg still numb and I still have pain on the right side with leg and buttocks that is all I can tell you I never had a herniation on right but have symptoms on right side now, The hospital told me to find another surgeon, My concern was he put the dicogram dye in both levels L4 and L5 s1 did it cause my already disc bulge at L4 to herniate and by fixing the L5 s1 level did it cause the new herniation, I did not get blood work done, and the radiologist did not mention infection possibility just inflammation on right side, I had to increase my Neurontin and taking 800mg of motrin it helps a little but without it I am in severe pain
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