I too am suffering from a t7-t8 herniation/protrusion that is pressing against my spinal cord, my pain onset was in Aug 2012, I recently was referred to another orthopedic surgeon for review, since my pain has not subsided and signs have gradually increased. I have done medicine treatment and physical therapy, which has not helped. After care full review of my MRI my new orthopedic feels that the only option I have is to have a posterior spine fusion and instr. of t7-t8 due to the protrusion to my spinal cord, we do not know the extent of damage to the spinal cord. My surgeon has advised me that this is rare very rare, but feels it is needed before irreversible damage is done to my spinal cord. My search online for information has not been very helpful, this is not a procedure that is common. I know what your going through, it is hard for me to deal with this pain day in and day out, while trying to manage a household and kids. I will be having my surgery in May, our goal is to get me back to some what the way I was before my injury, but it looks like I still have a long road ahead of me!
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