Hello Dr. Corenman. I have the written report of the MRI but not the disk. I imagine if I ask our doctor for it I could get a copy. Our doctor said he’s not that good at reviewing MRI’s. This is the report from the radiologist if you don’t mind reading. I just don’t know how to interpret what it is saying, and thank-you for your time.
Clinical History: C6-C7 foraminal steniois less so on right. Weakness of grip and strength bilateral arm.
Technique: Saggital T1W and T2W images of the cervical spine have been obtained, as well as axial ED T2W images.
Magnetic Resonance Image Findings:
No subluxation is seen.
No disc herniation or stenosis is noted at C2-C3 and C3-C4.
At C4-C5, moderate broad-based anterior endplate marginal osteophytes with diffuse disc bulging are noted. However, there is no disc herniation or stenosis.
At C5-C6, minor broad-based anterior and posterior endplate marginal ostoephytes with diffuse disc bulging (i.e. osteocartilaginous bars) are noted. There is encroachment of the canal, but no cord abutment or deformity is seen. There is moderate left foraminal stenosis due to encroachment by moderate marginal osteophytes at the left uncovertebral joint. Minor osteophytes are noted at the right uncovertebral joint with mild right foraminal stenosis.
At C-C7, disc space narrowing and fatty endplate changes are noted. Minor anterior and moderate posterior endplate marginal osteophytes with diffuse disc bulging (i.e. osteocartilaginous bars) are noted. There is encroachment of the canada, but no cord abutment or deformity is seen. Marked osteophytes are noted at the left uncovertebral joint with marked left foraminal stenosis. Minor osteophytes are also noted at the right uncovertebral joint with mild right foraminal stenosis. No disc herniation or stenosis is noted at C7-T1.
The cervical cord is normal in size and configuration. Nor abnormal signal intensity is seen.
Interpretation: Endplate osteophytes with diffuse disc bulging (i.e. osteocartilagnious bars) at C5-C6 and C6-C7, osteophytosis at the uncovertebral joints at C5-C6 and C6-C7. Canal stenosis with no cord abutment or deformity and bilateral foraminal stenosis at C5-C6 and C6-C7 (moderate at C5-C6 and marked at C6-C7 on the left at both levels).
Thanks Dr. Corenman.
At C5-C6, minor broad-based anterior and posterior endplate marginal osteophytes with