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  • TPau
    Post count: 1

    Good evening,

    I’m a 49 year old women from austria with
    spondyloarthrosis L5/S1 and gluteal tendinopathy.

    When walking, I am unable to swing my left leg wide enough and cannot touch the ground with my heel and when I want pull my body forward, I can’t move my body over the tigh because I lose stability in my sacrum.
    My upper body tilts to the left when walking, and my left knee tilts inward.
    My left glute muscles don’t work properly and my left foot hits always faster the ground than the right.
    When I’m cycling, I notice extremely that my thigh is too short. The left pelvis starts moving instead of the leg.
    The pelvis tilt is not ok, I can’t pull my leg to my but, ..

    I’ve been looking for help for about 4 years and have consulted over 30 doctors and no one can do anything with it.
    The orthopedists say they don’t know what it could be, the neurologists say I should see an orthopedist

    I don’t know what to do next.

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