Hello Dr. Corenman,
I am 48 yrs old and have recently been diagnosed with degenerative cervical spinal stenosis C5-6, C6-7 with spurs. Mild DDD C4-5 with spurs. Gradual kyphosis C5-6, and Bilateral cervical ribs. Mild DDD in midthoracic and L3-4, L4-5 with spurs. Detroscoliosis L2-3, T11-12. I have lived with pain, numbness, tingling, burning, throbbing, stabbing, shocking, pulsing, spasms etc.for many years. Only recently all has escalated and taken on a deeper tone and takes rise through out my body-neck to toes. Episodes of right side of face to neck stiffness, numb, swollen, eye-headache, ears ringing, dizzy, right inside of ankle pain, whole body feels as if tingling/twitching. I no longer work as activity sets these symptoms off full force.
I have found information in regard to cervical stenosis and kyphosis. However, in regard to bilateral cervical ribs, general info and that it is uncommon is all I know. Also, how do all my cervical issues affect the other as far as deciding a course of action?