I’m quite active 65 year old guy. Professional voiceover talent, 5 days a week weight training and cardio. Best shape of my life and generally feel great. Have had lumbar issues for years, can live with them, and had neck pain too with first MRI in 2004. The pain can be pretty rough especially early AM and later in the day/night …and sometimes for periods of days and weeks, I have very little pain at all So far, heat packs and some stretching and home traction device have helped. I do have some transient paresthesias in right hand, sometimes left, and left foot, but not usually right. Also had some very fleeting instances of leg weakness, left side…feels like I’m losing power. but it passes in a moment and I’m back walking again. Briskly usually
Couple months back had a few instances of toe catch on left side that made me trip/fall waking up stairs. Primary sent me to neurosurgeon who said it might be L5…had some ENG testing done and he ENG neuro was skeptical. (though he identified peripheral neuropathy which he felt accounted for some of my extemity issues Another NS when hearing about my neck asked for MRIs, thinking maybe that had something to do with the toe issue The MRI s did show a lot of stenosis and so show some encroachment on cord..second doc and NYC consult doc said prob should have surgery to prevent things from getting worse. But of course it’s hard to get my head around surgery when I don’t even have anything that’s really pain (except for neck oain but I’ve had that for years and none of the docs are interested in that) Nobody has a better answer for the toe catch than maybe it’s L5 and can be taken care of with hemilamintomy
One recommended a cervical multilevel (there are issues at most) posterior laminectom,y with fusion; the other a three level ACDF with at least one corpectomy…and said further surgery may be needed later on adjacent disks, which would be posterior.
My head is spinning. ACDF scares me to death because of noted voice issues, and I’m a professional voice artist . But it has faster recovery . The posterior would spare the voice butdeeply involve the neck and upper back muscles.
With the posterior would I be able to get back to my gym workouts????How many months might that take…I’m not a serious lifter but I do lift…for the first time in my life I can do bodyweight pullups… like 12 in a row. For me that’s a major accomplishment. Working out and staying fit is such an important part iof my life. I’m trying to stay on the young side of getting old….
I could definitely use an opinion, because I’m really having a hard time sleeping these days.
Thank you!
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